Artist: Andrea Adamson
The sisters created the landscape as they tried to escape from Wati Nyiru. They created a rock hole which went under the ground and came up on the other side of the hill. The women dived into the water then flew up into the sky. Wati Nyiru followed them . Now, Wati Nyiru can be seen to the south of the seven sisters the Pleiades), as he still chases them across the sky.
Artist: Murdie Nampijimpa Morris
Two dog ancestors, a Jampijinpa and a Napangardi, travelled from the west to the east. They dug holes in the ground and created ‘warnirri’ (rockholes) and ‘ngapa’ (waterholes) as they went. The two dogs separated. Eventually Jampijinpa became lonely and howled for Napangardi in the south. She came running to him, and they married each other at Ngarnka.
Artist: Karen Barnes
Karen is a great observer of wild life. Her portraits of animals and birds are fresh and lively, capturing much of the fauna that inhabits her country around Yuendumu. She gives us a unique visual of the animals in her environment. This image shows a row of beautiful Budgerigars.