In ancient times, Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders observed the sun, moon and stars to navigate the land. A deep understanding was nurtured through a symbiotic relationship with the cycles of nature, meaning our ancestors were able to predict seasonal changes, weather patterns, and be in sync with the native flora and fauna. The Milky Way shines bright with our ancestors and stories. We see the Dark Emu in our sky, which guides our laws and customs. First Australians recognise this science and know that we all have a responsibility to value this knowledge to heal Country and stay true to our treasured land.
While the ancient Greeks believed that there were four elements that everything was made up of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, it is the everlasting presence of spirit that brings strength and beauty in all that is around us. Understanding and believing the fullness of our cultural heritage is guided by the stars above, the land beneath our feet and the spirit all around us. The purity and health of the land and water is vital to sustainability and the healing of our nation. All Australians need to carry in their hearts the significance and value of our ancestors and reflect First Nations peoples cultural knowledge and understanding of Country.