Pamela Napurrurla Walker
Aboriginal Warlpiri woman
Pamela Napurrurla Walker was born in 1957 at Mt Doreen Station, an extensive cattle breeding station about 55 km west of Yuendumu in the Northern Territory of Australia. She was born into a large Warlpiri family and has three brothers and six sisters. Her father, Towser Jakamarra Walker (Dec) was not only one of the senior men in the Warlpiri community at Yuendumu but also a well-known artist who painted for Warlukurlangu Artists. Pamela has been working with Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation since 1994 but it wasn’t until 2006 that she began to paint full time. She paints her father’s jukurrpa, Dreamings, which relate directly to her land, its features and the plants and animals that inhabit it. These stories were told to her by her father, stories that have been passed down through the millennia.
Mawurrji by Pamela Napurrurla Walker - Original Painting - 61x46cm
Yarn Gallery